Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Little Man of Many Expressions

Umm let's see, to start with my name is Gavin.
I entered this wild family 2 months 1 week and 4 days ago!
Boy has it been a crazy ride so far!
Oops I think I just filled my pants.
Wow do feel better though.
I got my cute little outfit from my Auntie Alesha and Uncle Lane.
The end.


The Papendorfs said...

he is such a cutie :) love the many faces!

Sara, Justin, Simon and Max said...

that's great, made me laugh.

Heather S said...

haha!! love the expressions (and the story)
how's life with 3 treating ya?

Mary Ann P said...

So cute! I wish we could meet him! When are you coming to IL?? :) We may have to come to MN if we are going to meet your little Gavin! His voice is so deep (in the later clip)! Precious kids you have! Fun to watch grow up!